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圖:Edmonton Journal | 文: 麥提莎


鵝毛飄雪,攝氏零下的氣溫,似乎無阻愛城芭蕾舞愛好者的觀賞熱情。自疫情之後,首次捧Alberta Ballet 場。或許是首場,冷風下,正如廣東俚語:「愛靚唔愛命」,女仕羅衣雲裳,筆者則披條大圍巾,泊距離Northern Jubilee 最接近的車位,三幾步就即進入會堂內。


今趟劇目卻是鬼魅的浪漫愛情故事︰ Giselle(吉賽爾)。 此芭樂音樂劇,由法國作曲家Adolphe Adam阿道夫·亞當,揉合19世紀法國浪漫主義作家Théophile Gautier,引19世紀德國浪漫主義詩人Heinrich,源自德國女精靈傳說寫成的散文啓廸所寫的劇本,創作而成的唯美經典巨獻。故事描述中世紀德國一個抱心臟疾病,卻喜愛跳舞的鄉村少女,和矯裝平民的伯爵Albrecht一見鍾情。在歡慶秋收的季節裏,翩翩起舞,陶醉在戀愛的溫馨中,羨煞一眾年輕人。當中狩獵人Hilarion因被Giselle 拒絕對她的傾慕,進而懷疑該新來的年輕人身份。加上Giselle母親對女兒心臟虛弱的擔心,憂慮女兒的熱衷於跳舞抑或受任何打擊,都可令其致命,埋下了此段感情夭折的伏筆。

就在村民招呼路過一眾貴族打獵隊,Hilario發現Albrecht 藏在小屋子裏面的配劍,因而曉得他的伯爵身份。事實上他已和正在途經這村的公主立了婚約。基於妒忌,Hilario, 當眾揭穿Albrecht的顯赫身份。Giselle 晴天霹靂,自知身份懸殊,無法天涯比翼雙飛。悲痛中,欲取劍自剔不成,唯起舞至心臟衰竭而死。 夜幕降臨,傳說的復仇女精靈們,現身正在墓地叢林中的伯爵面前, 邀之共舞。他一面悲傷,迷茫中Giselle 若隱若現,以為佳人復生。Giselle 知道首領必要伯爵舞至筋疲力盡而亡。她求情無效,唯有乘絃歌曼舞之際,喑中知會他要留氣力,待到天明。奈何伯爵拚命和Giselle 不停的舞至數度倒地。幸而,黎明一刻,憑最後一口氣,趴到心愛人的墓地十字架傍。可憐的Giselle 挽救了伯爵一命,隨精靈們消失於森林中。

該劇帶回一首久遺了的,由林憶蓮主唱的「鷹與星」。此曲似乎又靈感自電影「鷹狼傳記」的中世紀一對戀人被咀咒的故事。黎明到來,Giselle 和伯爵從此陰陽相隔,而後者卻惡咒被解,得以人身重逢。詭吊的是:歌者成為別人家庭的第三者,雖成功成為李太,沒多久,面對現實的物資世界、名和利,以離婚告終。


Poem by

Anonymous :


Giselle , Giselle

Spiritual Love Story; what a romantic Ballet performance I see.

A charming country young lady fell in love with a common folk; a nobleman who pretended to be.

Heart disease of the daughter had long been her mother's worries. Her body was so weak that at any time she could pass away with ease.

Earl Albrecht loved her and was so fond of dancing with her; they both fell in love with each other deeply.

Hilario, the one who chased her in vain, found Albrecht's sword in the hut. Out of envy he disclosed this secret that Albrecht is of noble blood.

No marriage between people of different social status could be accepted in these olden days.

Giselle wanted to grab the sword to kill herself but she failed. So she did keep on dancing until her last heartbeat.

When dark night descended, the legendary Female Revenge Spirits appeared before Albrecht in the woods and Grave yard of Giselle.

In utter sadness he felt like Giselle was dancing alive. But the real passed away one showed him to save some more strength when he danced until the last moment.

Until the break of the morning he will be out of the curse.

Albrecht was at last found on top of Giselle 's Grave alive.

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